

Welcome to bitchanger.info. bitChanger is Exchange which allows you to exchange BTC, ETH, LTC, DSH, XMR, ZEC using with the best exchange rate. Terms 'We', 'Exchange', 'Exchange operator' refer to bitchanger.info.

By using bitChanger, you agree to these conditions. Please read them carefully. If you do not agree with the terms and conditions in this Agreement you may not use the Exchange.

We reserve the right to make changes to our site, policies and terms of use at any time. The content of the pages of the website is for your general information and use only. It is subject to change without notice.

bitchanger.info is not responsible for any loss caused by any reason while working with the Exchange. Any kind of losses caused by the third party activities has to be handled by the user.

bitchanger.info takes an exchange fee for using the service. The fee is 0.5-4.0% of the transaction volume. The fee is included in exchange rate. In addition, miner fee is applicable.

Transactions cannot be canceled by bitchanger.info. Therefore, check your payment details before making transaction. bitChanger is not responsible for your coins once they have been sent to the wallet.

bitchanger.info doesn't guarantee the uptime of the exchange. Maintenance and downtime may be required at times.

User has 10 minutes to make transaction. Once we receive your money after time is out, the order will go through with the current rate. Normally we need 3 confirmations from the network.

By uploading or sharing any kind of content, you automatically grant us a worldwide license to use your content. It becomes part of the public domain as long as it remains on our website. It can be used for marketing or any other purposes by bitchanger.info.